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Sustainable development

Orffa, pioneering in sustainability

Our contribution to a sustainable livestock production

The global population is growing rapidly, just as the industrial activity across the globe increases. Developing economic activity encompases increasing global pollution, leading to international issues as global warming and climate change. These phenomena have a major impact on the quality of life and on the level of poverty in many countries.

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Our contribution to a sustainable livestock production

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Orffa’s commitment to a sustainable, environmental friendly agriculture

Enjoying excellent relations with a myriad of research stations and universities in Europe and abroad, and heavily investing in R&D in the search for innovative feed solutions, Orffa is well placed to play an important role in supplying feed additives and feed solutions to help the industry meet its challenging climate and sustainability objectives.

Orffa’s products and concepts can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gasses (GHG), to a significant decrease of the ecological footprint of the industry, to more efficient animal production with less feed, and to a reduction of the nitrogen pollution by means of more balanced protein nutrition. Orffa also offers solutions to reduce the use of antibiotics in the feed and the drinking water, and develops products which secure the safety and welfare of the animals as well as the safety of workers in the factory.

Orffa’s commitment to a sustainable, environmental friendly agriculture

The effect of Excential Energy Plus (a nutritional emulsifier) on the environmental footprint of broiler production was measured on the basis of a series of scientific trials (University of Lavras, Brazil) in a collaboration with Blonk Consultants, a leading firm in the application of LCA systematics related to agriculture, that collaborates on governmental level as advising body. LCA is a technique to evaluate the environmental impact associated with the life of a product or service from cradle to grave. Product Environmental Footprint Guidelines (PEF) of the European Union were applied as methodology for the calculations.

The performance effect of Excential Energy Plus in these trials were representative for the whole collection of scientific trials performed with the product, as well as for the effects observed under practical conditions.

The objective of the study was to assess the footprint of broilers fed with and without Excential Energy Plus, in view of several environment impact categories: climate change, eutrophication, acidification and land use (change).

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Orffa’s commitment to the United Nation’s Sustainability strategy

(in terms of Global Development Goals)

Orffa offers products and solutions contributing to agricultural productivity, to feeding increasing world population, to provide quality animal proteins in a balanced diet for all.
Orffa offers solutions to reduce nitrogen emission and Global Warming Potentials, in line with the Paris agreement and the EU Green Deal. Orffa has selected a logistic partner that shares Orffa’s view on responsible warehousing and transportation.
Orffa provides a good and safe work place and has a code of conduct in place to respect labor rights and prevent involvement in slavery, bribery and other forms of ethical misconduct. Orffa aims to achieve economic development through innovation.
Aquaculture provides the global population with healthy food whilst not overfishing our waters. Orffa provides and explores solutions that assist in replacement of finite sources of fishmeal and oil. Higher mineral retention prevents flushing (eutrophication) and minimizes impact on water quality.
Orffa’s concepts have a big impact on food supply, by supporting sustainability and contributing to efficient animal protein production systems.
Land use for agriculture requires respect for ecosystems, preventing deforestation and ensuring biodiversity. Orffa assumes responsibility and commits to work with good practices towards sourcing, production, supply and delivery of products to customers.