Excential Selenium 4000 – Innovation at its best
Excential Selenium 4000
Innovation at its best

Learn more on the benefits of Excential Selenium 4000 in one of our technical publications
Take home message #7
Why choose Excential Selenium 4000?
- All selenium in the form of L-selenomethionine, for 100% bioavailability
- Ensures a safe deposit of selenium inside the animal
- Improves performance, antioxidant status and health
- Improves meat quality, for a more sustainable meat production
- Dust free, ensuring safety of workers in the premix factory
Take home message #6
Excential Selenium 4000 is the only dust free form of organic selenium(<0.2mg/m3 air)*!
Up to 50 times lower than other selenium products.
*under EU regulations
Take home message #5
Excential Selenium 4000 improves meat quality!
With a tendency to reduce drip loss and improve tenderness compared to sodium selenite.
Take home message #4
Excential Selenium 4000 provides a safe deposit of stored selenium!
For a better antioxidant status and stress reduction!
Take home message #3
Excential Selenium 4000 allows for an optimal selenium status!
This helps animals to achieve their best performance.
Take home message #2
Excential Selenium 4000 contains all its selenium in the form of L-selenomethionine!
This is the most effective form, allowing for optimal selenium deposition in animal protein.
Watch our video: Selenium - a new generation of organic selenium.