Biosprint® Mucl™ 39885 is a probiotic live yeast, selected strain for animal feed, which is used in ruminants (dairy and beef cattle), piglets, sows and horses. Saccharomyces cerevisiae gained lot of attention in the past decades because of its probiotic function.
Dairy and beef: improving rumen functioning
Rumen bacteria, which are responsible for the fermentation of roughage, are sensitive to oxygen. A decreased oxygen level could stimulate several bacteria strains, especially the lactate consuming bacteria, which will stabilize the pH in the rumen. Biosprint (Live yeast) can play an important role because live yeast takes up oxygen. Some specific bacteria strains which are strictly anaeroob will benefit from this. A more stable pH-value in the rumen, an improved degradation of raw material and a better feed efficiency are the results. In practical situation higher feed intake and improved production results are commenly seen. Because of the increased genetic potential for milk production ruminant feeds are becoming more and more concentrated by increased levels of starch and sugars. This may result in a disturbed rumen function, followed by lowered feed intake and rumen acidosis (also called subacute rumen acidosis or SARA). Live yeast can optimize the rumen function and improve production.
Piglets and sows: improved gut health and digestion
Monogastrics benefit from the probiotic function of live yeast. Live yeast protects the gut wall and produces benefical metabolites (enzymes, vitamins). Gut flora improves and digestion of nutrients is more efficient. The EU registration dossier in sows shows improved weight of litter and increased growth of piglets. In lactating sows very positive effects are reported in case of clostridium infections.
Horses: improved fibre digestibility, less digestive disorders
Live yeast is used in horses to improve fibre digestion. Live yeast enhance the growth of fibre-degrading bacteria and prevents low pH of the intestinal flora. Low intestinal pH is negative for the growth of beneficial bacteria and results in intestinal disturbances in horses. Improved fiber digestion lowers intestinal problems and improves the energy uptake. EU registration trials for Biosprint show consistently increased apparent fibre digestion in adult horses.